BC: CTF Opposes Expensive Incinerator

Author: Jordan Bateman 2013/12/10

I just realized that I failed to post this news release last week:

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation and the Waste Management Association of BC have launched a campaign calling out Metro Vancouver politicians for ignoring the consultation process set out by the Provincial Government in their bid to ram through a 40% fee hike and a new $500-million trash-burning incinerator. 

"Instead of consulting with groups such as the Fraser Valley Regional District, Metro Vancouver politicians are ignoring the rules set out by the Provincial Government," said Jordan Bateman, B.C. Director for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. "They seem more interested in consulting with Sweden, where they recently sent the Mayor of Burnaby on junket." 

Last year BC's then-Minister of Environment, Terry Lake told the Chilliwack Times that Metro Vancouver would have to consult with residents of the Fraser Valley about their plans to build a trash-burning incinerator that would negatively impact air quality, particularly in the Fraser Valley. "It's absolutely critical that consultation with those affected by any plan is real, is thorough and has an impact on the outcome" stated the Minister. 

Yet Metro Vancouver politicians snubbed the Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD), who said last week in a media release that despite "our attempts at imploring Metro Vancouver politicians for meaningful consultation, our fears have come to fruition – they have chosen the most antiquated and ineffective method to eliminate their regions' garbage..." 

Now the Canadian Taxpayers Federation and the Waste Management Association of BC are supporting the FVRD, launching an advertising campaign throughout the Lower Mainland

"Metro Vancouver politicians are spending half their time circumnavigating the globe, and the other half circumventing the rules," said Bateman. "Why? Because they know that nobody wants a massive fee hike to pay for their $500 million garbage–burning incinerator. It's just a bad idea. Full stop." 

Link to "Viking" advertisement

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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